
Why Julia?

When simulating a boson sampling experiment, via for instance cliffords_sampler or noisy_sampler, the most time consuming part is the computation of the probabilities. Indeed, the probability to detect the state $|l_1,…,l_m>$ at the output of an interferometer $\hat{U}$ from an input state $|ψ_{in}> = |k_1,…,k_m>$ is related to the permanent of $U$ through

\[|<n_1,…,n_m|\hat{U}|ψ_{in}>|^2 = \frac{|Perm(U)|^2}{k_1!… k_m! l_1! … l_m!}.\]

Having an intensive usage of the Ryser's algorithm to compute such probabilities, we compare here the running time of the latter algorithm from different implementations to compute the permanent of Haar distributed random matrices of dimension n:
